I don’t go to many writing conferences, partly because many of them are abroad, but the Self Publishing Show Live has become a fixture for me.

Run by bestselling author Mark Dawson, the conference is a great chance to learn more about writing and all that goes with it. Above all though, I value the chance to meet and talk with other writers. Much of my working life is a solitary affair, so it’s great to share experiences with like-minded friends old and new.

As always, I came away feeling inspired and motivated, but also slightly overwhelmed at all the possibilities. It was an enjoyable trip, and I shall miss the company of other writers, but it’s good to be back in the green spaces and quiet lanes of Devon. It’s good, too, to be back at my desk and working on the next Devonshire Mystery. The second draft is going well, and I think fans of the series will really enjoy it.

Me on the South Bank of the Thames, and once again I’ve managed to make it look as though I have a tiny antenna on my head.

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I thought, what would Dan Corrigan do? So I got up early one morning and went for a run along the river. I reckon this makes my running shoes a research expense I can set against tax, right?

The view from my hotel was VERY different to the leafy landscape I’m accustomed to.

It was too hot for tea, so if you sent me a mug of tea on Ko-fi, I raised this non-alcoholic mojito in your honour. Cheers!

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