Membership is free and gives access to more photos and exclusive content. Members can also post comments and that’s a great way to get in touch with me.
This site is a safe space and closely monitored. I want to be sure that everyone can enjoy their time here.
At present, there are no membership levels. Everyone gets equal access.
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Please note that membership of the site does not add you to any mailing lists, but you may wish to receive my readers’ group newsletter,If you have any questions, please comment below.
Best wishes,
Hi Mikey,
Just finished “Murder between the Tides”
What a fun and interesting read. Excellent !
Hopefully Your self publishing seminar didn’t turn out
the same as for Alan and Dan 😉
Look forward to “Mystery in May”
Take care
Thank you, that’s lovely to hear. Happy to report there were no murders at the conference.
Finally bought a book! Mystery in May. Practicing loading interesting material on my Kindle so I can read during long flights to Europe. Is it practical to download a book onto my Kindle device or read it in my browser. I have a Bookfunnel Library now. I access your book through a bookmark. Hoping I don’t lose my page number when I turn off my device and have to scroll from the beginning each time I want to read. What can I expect?
Hi, and thanks for buying a book! I believe the BookFunnel reading experience is pretty good and consistent across devices, but you can certainly load a book onto any device. On the download page, clicking on the get my book button presents a list of devices, and you can choose from there to see specific instructions. If you need help, each download page has a link in the top corner, labelled ‘Need Help?’ If you click or tap on that link, you can get in touch with the BookFunnel support team, and they will help you get your book.
how do I change password
Hi, you can do this via the link at the very top of the site. One is labelled ‘Password reset’. I hope that helps.
Having read A Study In Stone (twice) I’m half way through Valley of Lies. I have read some reviews of A Study in Stone and am intrigued to know Mikey’s opinion of his character Dan Corrigan. What sort of person is Dan, do you like him or despise him?
Also, I’m fascinated by the fact that readers form really strong opinions about characters in books (and other media), people they don’t know, people who don’t exist in reality!
That is a great question. I have discussed this in an earlier chat, but I am happy to talk about it again. In the meantime, I do like Dan, and I spend a lot of time in his company. He has his faults, but don’t we all? We rarely see ourselves as others see us, but at least Dan is open to learning from his mistakes. Bit by bit, he is learning to be a better man, and that’s something. Thank you for your question and your support.
I’m a new member. I live in the States. I appreciate your style of writing and choice of content and will be a regular visitor to this page in the future. I haven’t bought one of your books yet and I’d like to know how to do that and what happens when I purchase online. For example, are you selling e-books instead of shipping hard copies out of the U.K.
Hello, welcome and thanks for joining. I hope you find something to enjoy on the site. I sell ebooks via my own store and all the main retailers. At the moment, my paperbacks are only available on Amazon, but I hope to expand that in future. Thanks again. All the best.
Love the photos of Dartmoor. Been there a few times. Live in Australia. Like your books a lot.
Thank you, that’s great to hear.
Just finished A Study In Stone. Really enjoyed it. Look forward to reading your other books.
Thank you very much. So glad you enjoyed it 😊
Hi, Mikey!
I just sent you an email and forwarded another author’s newsletter. She’s recommending A Study in Stone, which is very cool. I couldn’t figure out another way you could see it, hence the forwarding. You should definitely see it!
Best wishes,
Thank you very much. I got your email, and it came as a lovely surprise.
Hola Mikey,
Meenaz from Barcelona, Spain here!
I read that there was no need to sign up again if I didn’t see the filling form, and as I’m already signed up
with WordPress, all smooth sailing!
Have a lovely week!
Stay blessed. 🙏🧡
Thank you for signing up. I can see that you’re a member of the site, so all looks good. Hope you have a good week too.
I noticed your book Changes earlier today & bought it. It will be joining the ever growing list of To Read Books … I may be a long time 😀
Thank you very much. Changes contains some of the first stories I wrote, and it’s one of the books that I give to people who sign up for my newsletter. I hope you enjoy the stories.
Hi, Mikey, I’m here too! This is Deb – I’m using my standard online username. Just want to say hi and make sure your newsletters will keep showing up in my inbox. If that changes too, show me where to sign up. I’m checking the box for The Awkward Squad here.
I’ve read the first 5 chapters of Mystery in May. I like the expanding cast of characters, although I’m a bit disappointed with Emma at the moment. We shall see.
Thank you very much for joining up. I’ve just realised that you might’ve seen the Awkward Squad mentioned in the comment form. I am looking at moving the home of the newsletter but it shouldn’t affect anyone. Hopefully, no one will notice anything different. Thanks again.
Looking forward to meeting folks who also think you are a fantastic writer.
Thanks. As always, you are very kind.