These images can be downloaded as desktop wallpapers for your computer, or you can use them as backgrounds for a video call.
More wallpapers will be added from time to time.
To get the largest and best quality image, left-click on an image to open it at full-size. When it opens in your browser, right-click and save the image.
Can’t wait to start reading your books. Thank you,Katherine.
Thank you. I very much hope you enjoy them.
Hi, Mikey!
Love the new website and that you put everything in one place. I’ve already downloaded one of the wallpapers and called it Devon Walkway.
I’ll send you a mug of tea as soon as I get paid. LOL!
Thank you very much, but please don’t feel that you have to pay anything. You might need all your pennies for buying essential things like food and books. A nice way to help any writer is to tell a friend about a book you’ve enjoyed. That costs nothing but makes a big difference.
Hello Mikey,
I love your new website, it’s neat. Thank you for the update of the website, I must have missed it in your previous newsletter.
I wish you all the best!
I don’t know if I have mark the box and join your reader’s it also a new mailing list? Thank you!
Stay blessed.
Thank you! Sorry for any confusion. I am moving the newsletter onto this site as well, but you shouldn’t need to do anything as I’ll carry all the current subscribers over. In future, you’ll be able to manage which lists you’re a member of just by ticking a box. Thanks again for all your encouragement.