The appropriately named Parke Estate near Bovey Tracey is now owned by the National Trust, and the grand old house is now the headquarters for the Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA).
The estate also hosts the weekly ParkRun where Mrs C and I, along with a hundred or so other brave or foolhardy folks, run a 5K route every Saturday.
While running this uneven track up hill and down dale, I’m usually too preoccupied with the mud, stones and bits of stick on the ground to take in much of the natural beauty, but the other day, we took Lottie for a leisurely stroll, and I got to appreciate the landscape. Just after we arrived, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and a double rainbow appeared.
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The River Bovey was swollen with all the recent rain.
The track pictured below is inviting when you’re strolling along, but much less so when you have to run.
Still, if you’re going for a run, this is a beautiful place to do it. Lottie approves, but at her age, she prefers a sedate stroll.
The hill shown below is near the start of the 5K course, and let me assure you that it’s much steeper than it appears in this photo. A lot of people walk up it, but after months of trying, I’m pleased to say that I can now jog to the top. Yes, I make a noise like a steam engine, but I get there.
When we reach the spot shown below, we know that the run is almost over. As you can see, there’s another uphill slope, so it’s always time for that final push.
But it must be good for you, right?
I blooming well hope so.
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Beautiful subject choices. Thanks for offering these galleries to your readers. I look forward to future collections!
Glad you like them. More photos to come soon.