Thank you very much for reading Mystery in May

I hope you enjoyed the book. It’s probably the most complex Devonshire Mystery to date, and there were certainly some challenging moments during the process of putting it together.

It’s always great to hear from readers, so if you have questions that aren’t answered here, or if you’d like to say hello, please drop me a line via the contact page.

Spoiler alert

Seeing the sources before you read the book will spoil the story, so please only look if you’ve finished the book.

Here’s a link to an online notebook that I used for gathering research material – please note that it contains links to sites that are not for minors, e.g. alcohol, crime, injury, knives:

Visit my Online Notebook

The notebook was made using Notion, but you don’t need an account to view it. Click on an item to see more details, and you can click through to the original sources if you wish.

At the time of writing, all the links were working, but I’m not responsible for these sites. If you have a problem with any of them, please let me know so that I can put it right.