Last week, our Labrador, Lottie, was ill. She’s okay now, but things were a bit upside down last week, so I didn’t post any photos.

Today, I’m catching up with some photos from the weekend of Queen Elizabeth’s 70th Jubilee.

I was a young lad during the silver jubilee, but I remember the street party, and I still have the souvenir mug I was given.

For this jubilee, the village party was indoors because of the weather, but people outdid themselves, and I have never seen so much cake in one place.

In the evening, a beacon was lit and we could see others in the chain. I shot a brief video.

A historical moment, and one I shall remember.

I hope you like the photos. If you’re a member of the site, please feel free to post questions in the comments, and if you’re not a member, please consider joining. It’s free and fast, easy and fun.

Folks gathering near the beacon

The piper shortly before the beacon was lit

A piper beside the beacon

The view from the jubilee beacon – that light is the moon

Bold rescuers, training in the choppy sea. Lifeguards, I think, rather than the RNLI

Me by the sea at Teignmouth, shortly after completing the ParkRun. Yes, it looks like an antenna sprouting from my head. A buoy on the sea (or am I actually a robot?)

Comments are always welcome.

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