If you’ve ever wondered how Dan’s neighbours in Embervale might speak, this video will give you a pretty good idea.
As in any regional accent, there will be variations depending on a person’s age or background, but this entertaining video will give you a general idea. I must point out that in this video they are grouping several counties together, whereas in real life we find that there are differences between Devon and Gloucestershire and Somerset and Bristol. Cornish is a whole different ball game.
It’s quite a humorous video and made me smile, so you might enjoy it.
Comments are welcome, but I know that we Brits get very hot under the collar about these things, so I’ll just remind you that I didn’t make the video.
If you want to hear an archive recording of a true Devon accent from the past, here’s one I found:
Thank you very much for reading Murder Between the Tides
I hope you enjoyed the story. This book felt like my homage to the classic golden-age mysteries that I grew up reading. What better setting for a mystery than a seaside hotel? We had the eclectic mixture of guests, a buried secret or two, a sense of rivalry and a quirky method of murder.
But I was keen to keep this in line with the rest of the Devonshire Mysteries (even though it is set in Cornwall), so the friendship between Dan and Alan is at the heart of this story. The pair are shaping up into quite a team.
It’s always great to hear from readers, so if you have questions that aren’t answered here, or if you’d like to say hello, please drop me a line via the contact page.
Spoiler alert
Seeing the sources before you read the book will spoil the story, so please only look if you’ve finished the book. (more…)
Timothy Kenning marries Hester Williams 1899
Cyril born 1899
Gordon born 1900
Timothy dies in 1905
Cyril awarded the Croix de Guerre 1918
Cyril dies 1919
Gordon marries Diana Muir 1923
Gerald born 1925
Gerald Marries Helen Barker 1947
David is born 1948
David marries Julia Normanby 1968
Martin is born 1969
Deborah born 1970
Gordon dies 1972
Diana dies 1983
Gerald and Helen die 2005
In 2019:
David Kenning is 71
Martin Kenning is 50
Deborah Kenning is 49
I hope you enjoyed the book. It’s probably the most complex Devonshire Mystery to date, and there were certainly some challenging moments during the process of putting it together.
It’s always great to hear from readers, so if you have questions that aren’t answered here, or if you’d like to say hello, please drop me a line via the contact page.
Spoiler alert
Seeing the sources before you read the book will spoil the story, so please only look if you’ve finished the book.
Here’s a link to an online notebook that I used for gathering research material – please note that it contains links to sites that are not for minors, e.g. alcohol, crime, injury, knives:
The notebook was made using Notion, but you don’t need an account to view it. Click on an item to see more details, and you can click through to the original sources if you wish.
At the time of writing, all the links were working, but I’m not responsible for these sites. If you have a problem with any of them, please let me know so that I can put it right.